If you love to read novels, the next obvious step for you is to start a book club so that you can share your thoughts on your favorite novels with others. It's often difficult to get people to take time out of their day to do something that seems like homework, however. So how can you entice them to come to your book club? Feed them! Whether you live big city life or in a smaller town, you have plenty of culinary options. Let us give you some suggestions.
The most obvious solution for your burgeoning book club is to meet at a restaurant for a meal. At a restaurant, you can relax and let others serve you and cook for you rather than running around instead of talking about the book. Many restaurants have private rooms you can reserve for your book club meeting if you have more than five or six people in your group. Consult the other members to see what their budget is for a meal out and choose a restaurant that's within commuting distance for everyone.
If you'd rather not sit at a busy restaurant and try to have a meaningful discussion on the Life of Pi, then why not make the restaurant come to you? You can order take out (more than just pizza comes in takeout form these days) or hire a company that does catering to come to your house and prepare a meal for everyone. Takeout is a good solution if there are a variety of dietary restrictions in the group while catering gives a meeting a more gourmet feel without you having to spend all your time going back and forth to the kitchen.
For those of you who have just had a new deck or patio constructed and want a chance to show off your brand furniture, gardens, and landscaping to an appreciative audience, cooking the meal yourself is a good option, especially a BBQ. Outdoor parties or dining are more relaxed and informal than dinner parties where guests are served in the formal dining room. The relaxed atmosphere can help your club members to feel more comfortable and open up about their feelings and thoughts on the book plus you get to showcase your new patio furniture!
If you can't cook, no problem! Why not take a cooking lesson in Toronto? If your group is reading a culinary book, such as Julie and Julia or Eat Pray Love, you can even take the cooking lesson together as a group and have a discussion afterward. Many community centers and cooking schools have evening cooking classes where you can improve your culinary skills. After the lessons, you can take turns cooking book club dinners for one another.